Got my soul destroyed
Hey dudettes, Today I lost a lot of HP irl because I was told to join a meeting to help with live translating and then this lady stared at me and told me I wasn’t needed. You could tell by her voice that she meant it in a really mean way. It was such a negative vibe my body wanted to cry.
Also IDK why there are so many Russian comments. Please comment in English or French or your comment will be marked as spam. Merci et thanks!
Stuck in Canadian Hell
Laurel Hell Under 8 inches of Snow
Every month since September I travel to Trois Rivieres, Canada for 3ish days for my job. And every month since September, I grow increasingly tired of traveling, something I used to enjoy very much. I think what makes these trips something I only look forward to being over is that I have really struggled to make friends on my team. Don’t get me wrong, I have lots of friends at work, like my officemate and carpool buddy, its just really difficult to make friends on a team that I joined mid-project. I get along swimingly with my two managers, but they are 8-15 years older than me! And I can only hangout with 30-somethings who are my bosses for so many minutes of my 106 hour trip.
Something I’ve been doing to, I guess, deal with being so lonely on this trips is being really cool-looking so people want to be my friend. And also being really funny in the full team group chat; I’ve been getting lots of laugh reactions. This blog is a good outlet I think, and also it gives me a lot of time to play video games. The biggest downside to gaming, though, is that bringing my Steam Deck is kinda a pain with trying to travel light.
Also Tinder in 3R SUCKS, especially as a lesbian. I need to find what apps the gays use in Canada because I refuse to believe there aren’t any lesbians in this city.