My idea for a TV Show:
Hello, my dear occultists. One of my items on my running To-Do list is to become obsessed with the occult, in a Mulder kinda way but more folky than sci-fi. As a part of this, I have been asking friends and coworkers to share their favorite conspiracy theories and cryptids. Surprisingly (or maybe not), this has been an amazing ice breaker for work trips, probably because of the extremely low stakes. This has been a really effective way of keeping up my occult obsession. 🙂
One of these conversations has resulted in theorizing a TV show called “Spooky, Creepy, and Weird”. That’ all I have so far in terms of ideas. lol
I’m not super sure if I’d want it to be a fictional show, like the X-Files or something more along the lines of real-life investigations into larger-than-life phenomena. Lowkey thats a pretty good tagline, it probably exists already. I think a non-fiction show would be overdone and tacky maybe. A fictional show could be good. Maybe it could be like Black Mirror but more folklore horror. And by that, I mean that each episode is movie-esque and the plots are seemingly unrelated until the last episode of the season.
LMK your thoughts and if you know anyone in Hollywood looking for a great show idea.
Sparkle and Shine
I dont know what to contribute but i wanted u to know that i read this and am wondering why all of your comments are in russian? Or another language idk. Also i liked that u ended it with sparkle and shine
I have no idea why there are so many russian comments on my page. I think its all spam.